Saturday, February 27, 2010

Praying for Spring

It may be hard to spot this camouflaged Praying Mantis.  He was one of many that I had camp out in the Lantana last summer.  They preyed on beautiful butterflies and honey bees all summer.  It is amazing to watch them as they stalk and ambush their prey.   It is hard to try to maintain a butterfly garden when you have a good crop of mantis.  It is all part of the circle of life I guess.  

I was going through some pictures trying to decide what to blog about and ran across summer garden pictures.  Oh how I long for summer.  I can hardly wait for spring to come and for the days to get longer.  I can't wait to start our garden and harvesting all of its goodness.   I know we have to have the seasons and winter is important, it just seems to last so long - longer than spring and summer anyway. 

It has been a busy and long week for me.  I am bombarded at work and have had a lot of after work activities to tend to, sweet Grand Baby being one. Yes, she is still wonderful.  I am hoping work will settle down over the next few weeks and I can have a little more time at home at night.  I have to get busy on my Spring Swap crafting. 

I hope you enjoy your weekend.  Do something fun!

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