I am so happy. Thanks to my sister we have a computer. It's one she doesn't use any more and wanted to get rid of. Hubby figured out (or should I say taught me) how to download pictures from the camera. The process is different that what I was taught previously, so he had to teach me something new. (Remember, I'm not interested in technology.) We still don't have access to our hard drive :-( but we have a computer and the ability to download pictures. I'll take it!!! It just means all of those groovy, cool things I've been saving to show you will have to wait a little bit longer. But I do have some recent pictures, not the best ones mind you, but they are pictures! Above are my knitted Easter chicks. They are fun to make and turn out kind of cute.
Here are a couple of crocheted recycled plastic bag baskets filled with jelly beans. These are fun and easy to make. I always have too many plastic bags around and decided I would use some for Easter goodies.
Beginning of a cat fight!
Crafty goodness spread all over the kitchen table.
This is how it looks when I say "I'm on production". This means I am in the craft zone, leave me alone and I'll get back to you in a couple of days. My family hates it when I'm "in the zone". I haven't been there in a while. It felt kind of good going there last week while getting ready for my mini craft show. I hope I can spend more time there.
So there are some of the pictures straight from the camera. I hope you enjoyed them half as much as I did having the ability to post them. I am sure we will be in touch again soon. Keep checking in and I would really appreciate hearing from you.
Stay groovy.